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The increased pressure on natural resources due to population growth is seriously threatening the environment as well as the humanity itself. We are not only believed to be dangerously approaching or according to some, already reached the peak oil but we are also rapidly depleting other natural resources which are vital for human survival including clean water. There are, however, many ways to reduce the harmful impact of human activities on the environment in all segments of life including:


Sustainable homes and commercial buildings help neutralise the human impact on the environment without affecting the quality of life. The so-called sustainable or ecological homes and buildings are constructed with the use of environmentally friendly materials and above all, with energy efficiency in mind. Older buildings, on the other hand, can be made more eco-friendly by installation of insulation which dramatically cuts energy consumption for both heating and cooling.


Wind Mills

Modern lifestyle and economy are extremely dependent on the use of energy. Most of energy, however, is generated by fossil fuel burning which is thought to be the number one cause of climate change by increasing the CO emissions. Green power generation technologies are available for quite some time already but unfortunately, they are very expensive and remain out of reach to most home owners. Despite that, every person can dramatically reduce their carbon footprint by following energy saving measures such as choosing energy efficient appliances when replacing the old ones, turning off the lights when leaving a room, turning the thermostat down for one degree or two, run dishwasher and washing machine fully loaded, using energy saving bulbs, etc.


Industrial food production may have helped improve nutrition of the world’s population, however, it is seriously harming the environment. It is reducing the habitat for wildlife and polluting the soil, water and air due to the use of large quantities of artificial fertilisers and highly toxic pesticides. At the same time, there are concerns that the chemicals which are used for crop production may be threatening human health as well. Choose organically produced food whenever possible and grow your own fruits and vegetables without the use of chemicals.

Clean Water


Access to clean water should not be taken self-granted. Clean water is not available in endless quantities and for that reason it should be used responsibly. Close the water tap while brushing your teeth, collect rainwater to water you garden and house plants, install a low flush toilet and repair any leaky pipes.


It is impossible not to create any waste. But it is possible to reduce waste pollution dramatically by sorting your waste and dispose it at the recycling centre, reusing and recycling – for instance glass jars and plastic shopping bags, donating old clothing, shoes, toys and other unwanted yet useful things to a charity organisation, and choosing products that come in a biodegradable and recycled packaging whenever possible.